Libido is just another name for sexual desires or sex drive and it is generally controlled by hormones.
It affects both men and women, young and old.
Here are some of great remedies you had no idea can that help boost your sex drive;
Try to take the pledge (give up on drinking )
It is really not an easy task to give up on alcohol but at least try as much as you can to reduce its consumptions. this helps you to gain back your confidence in bed .
Getting too tipsy can make sexual performance suffer, and drinking too much on a daily can cause your libido to decline. However studies show that red wine helps to increase sexual appetite. A glass or two of wine a day is so helpful.
Drink plenty of water
Dehydration can be a great problem on your libido by causing vaginal dryness, fatigue and headaches. Which brings about a discomfort in the bedroom. A self test can be helpful to help you know if take enough water or not by noticing the color of your urine.
Research shows that dark yellow or light brown urine indicates dehydration while light yellow or close to clear color urine shows that you are hydrate well.
Carrying out a regular exercise
Exercise stimulates testosterone production, which is always key to a strong libido.
Exercises such as yoga always helps to relieve stress and fatigue which decreases the symptoms of depression and anxiety . All these lead to low libido. Other benefits of regular exercise on both your body and brain can come in the form of a boost to your sex drive. All things that can make you more confident in the bedroom.
Eat foods that boost your libido
Foods which are rich in zinc for example
- oysters
- beef
- pork
- pumpkin seeds
- baked beans which all these boost your sex drive by helping to improve blood flow and hormone levels.
Scientists show that couples who ate fish twice a week or more had sex 22% more frequently than those who didn’t and also over 90% of couples who consume at least two seafood servings per week became pregnant within six to 12months. Therefore, seafood such fish might be the best dinner option when you’re looking to increase your libido.
Visit a medical doctor
Try visiting a medical doctor because some issues may need medical attention. For example;
- It could be due to virginal infections which cause low sex performance,
- It could also be due to erectile dysfunction which can often be easily treated with medical intervention. Most men will avoid sex if they see any risk of poor sexual function and once performance improves, libido often follows. A doctor can also check his testosterone levels since sexual function and interest may drop as men age.
Understanding and communicating your own sexual desires
Letting your partner know about what you enjoy and able being to say it is a sign of sexual confidence because a sexually confident person knows they’re allowed to experience pleasure
Giving yourself enough self care
Self care involves knowing your bedtime routine you can fix time by reading a book, taking a relaxing nightly bath before going to bed
Giving yourself some serious love, away from the pull of devices and the glare of a screen. Taking a relaxing nightly bath or reading a book relaxes you before bed will make you feel better once you do hit the sheets, which can only lead to an increased desire for sex.